Aura Clearing and Balancing

Aura gets healed, cords get removed💫

Aura is the bio magnetic energy field which surrounds our physical body. Our auras interact with each other, hence the quote “Love at first sight.” As it’s our auras first fall in love with each other, then us! As we interact with a lot of people every day, we may take in a lot of negativity from others or just in general our aura can get polluted, when our aura gets polluted, we tend to attract negative people and situations in life, a regular aura brushing with Reiki shall do wonders. Aura gets healed, cords get removed

What is an Aura?

Everyone has an Aura. The aura is actually the bio-magnetic field that extends out from your body. This
energy field acts as protection and as a gatherer of

Our Aura’s expand and contract, mix and mingle with the auras of others. Some people are able to see the colors of someone’s aura. When our aura expands we are usually happy, loving and relaxed. Think of it as reaching out to others to share the joy. When our aura contracts we are often on guard, tense or fearful.

Our aura transmits and picks up information from ourselves, other people and places. It is our first line of defense. When our aura is not clear often our thinking is muddled. If the aura is not grounded we may feel flighty or clumsy. When our aura has holes or debris it can cause a whole host of issues.

How do I know if my aura needs work?
  • Do you find yourself feeling tired or “icky” for no apparent reason? 
  • Are you tripping, stumbling, or banging into things?
  • Do you have unexplained bruises? 
  • Are you feeling the emotions of  others too keenly? 
  • Do feel fine one minute, then for no reason have a shift  in attitude?
  • Are you listless, angry, sad, etc. for no apparent
  • Reason? 

If you answered yes to two or more questions you might want to consider having an Aura Adjustment and Clearing.

How does an Aura Adjustment/Clearing work?

Aura Adjusting and Clearing will repair your aura back to its healthy, grounded state. Using several different energy techniques, (including Reiki, Angels, Shaman, Crystal, etc. may be used depending on what is needed) the aura is pulled into place, negative or misplaced energies are removed or returned to correct placement, weak spots are shored up and the aura is swept and sealed.

When you are feeling healthy, self-confident, calm, and grounded, your aura is clean and healthy. A healthy aura is indicated by a cocoon of energy surrounding and extending out from the body at least one foot in all directions. This positive protection field is composed of bright colors, strong vibrations, pure tones, and a full, smooth, egg-shaped boundary.

How It Feels When Your Aura Is…
In Harmony

+ Connected to inner self and spirit
+ Connected to others without merging Full of self-love
+ More present in your meditation sanctuary
+ Able to live authentically Chakras in harmony
+ Enclosed, protected, and secure
+ Full of your own energy
+ Healthy emotional boundaries
+ Expansive, safe, and loving with others
+ Confident, friendly, and cheerful
+ Less internally defensive Complete; full of self
+ Harmonic, vibrant, and alive
+ Clothed, protected, and comfortable inside your body
+ Like a warm security blanket
+ Able to sense a clear inner voice
+ Able to sense someone staring at you
+ Able to tell when someone is behind you
+ Not anxious or agitated in crowds
+ Able to say no with ease and without guilt
+ Able to sense a subtle extension of skin nerve endings
+ Able to be in a situation that previously diminished your grounding
+ Receiving respectful communication from others

Out Of Harmony

+ Neglectful of self and spirit
+ Engaged in unhealthy lifestyle choices
+ Not healing yourself when you need it
+ Easily distracted; not present
+ Vulnerable, unsure, or afraid
+ Defensive or reactive
+ Responding inappropriately
+ Having difficulty containing feelings
+ Feeling unwanted energies in your space
+ Losing yourself in interactions with others
+ Easily invaded, judged, or not seen
+ Feeling exposed or raw
+ Primarily focused on protection
+ Drained by any interaction with others
+ Tired, grumpy or withdrawn
+ Needing to be alone; needing rest to rejuvenate
+ Anxious when interacting with others
+ Clenching muscles as a defensive gesture
+ Feeling fearful anticipation without cause
+ Exposed, vulnerable, or porous
+ Feeling pain or discomfort from the environment
+ Experiencing jolts of feelings unrelated to circumstances
+ Feeling scattered energy; “forward” and in your head
+ Vulnerable, unsure, or tentative
+ Unable to detect bad circumstances
+ Feeling discomfort when energies enter your space

For this session I need Your name, city where you live and your preferred time and date for a distance healing session.

1 hours distance session $29 

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I am Spiritual Healer using Reiki to help people in need and trouble all over the globe. The term "energetic healing" encompasses...