Reiki always shields us from negative people and situations

Negative people and toxic relations are out Reiki always shields us from negative people and situations. It will always fizzle out relations who do not serve any purpose to us, also will remove all frenemies and people from our life who do not mean well or are not good for us. 

Try some reiki healing session 

Deep Blue Reiki is a small part of Universal Life Force energy with powerful and high vibrational energy.
Deep Blue Reiki has specifically benefits that help :
Stimulate the latent abilities of subtle perception and intuitive skills.

Energize and balance Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakra.
Balance most systems in the subtle anatomy.
Quickly create great stillness and tranquility, which make it ideal for meditation.
Enhance the functions of the higher levels of consciousness, reduce tension and bring calm.
This Reiki system is very simple and without symbols in the practice.


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Healing the Inner Child Reiki

Healing the Inner Child Reiki connects you to spirit and your inner child to bring healing, joy,
laughter, and childhood wonder of spirit to you. It also connects you to your personal guardian angels of the Inner Child. The energies of this attunement will fill you with love and joy, and heal those childhood memories that are painful. It helps you to allow your inner child to come forward with love and happiness.

You may begin to experience that childhood eagerness of looking forward to doing something special you have been wanting to do. You may find that you are filled with more self love and fairy like awe of the beauty and love of life. Your Inner Child will be able to step forward and help you learn to laugh and experience a truly joyful heart!


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Sacred Flame Reiki

Experience the transformative and highly protective powers of the Masters and Angels of the Sacred
Flames! The sacred flames or rays are simply different aspects or characteristics of GOD. The masters of the flames are beings who literally mastered these traits, and the angels of the flames are  perfect emanations of these frequencies.  During the healing, you are aligned (attuned) to the frequencies of the sacred flames, while releasing deep blockages within your all levels of your being. This healing is a total mind, body, spirit healing that is led by the angels and masters of the flames. Whatever your soul is needing at the time will come through. The flame energy is deeply cleansing and empowering on all levels.  Experience the power and blessings of Sacred Flame Reiki!


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The Violet Flame is the most transformative ray in the 3rd dimensional consciousness. It is a powerful tool to release past life blockages, clear negative karma, transmute heavy patterns, and accelerate consciousness. The Violet Flame Reiki has 40 symbols which can be used to assist with many issues including: protection, balance, past life clearing, unity consciousness, lessening pain, lifting depression, lessening anxiety, opening up to divine guidance etc. Bear in mind that reiki is not a substitute for standard medical care or treatment, it is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure, but rather to bring in more light allowing the body to come into natural balance more easily. 
Violet Flame Reiki is strongly connected to Ascended Master Saint Germain and the Goddess of Compassion Quan Yin, so these guides will be working with you for the session along with the power of the Violet Flame.


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Chakra & Aura Flush with Reiki

The Chakra Flush is a cleansing energy. It does not energize the chakras but gently clears them of old blocks and stuck energies. By gently releasing the energetic wounds of the past, the Chakra Flush allows new positive energy to enter in

The Chakra Flush is a wonderful tool because it is simple to use, quick and effective. 

Benefits include:

1. Releasing of old burdens and emotional baggage.

2. Freeing up of old stuck energy to energize and enliven.

3. Flushing of energetic toxins and energy contamination.

The Aura Flush is a very gentle cleansing energy aura as it were, wipes and thus the negative energy and thoughts are removed.

Like the Meridian Flush and the Chakra Flush is the Aura Flush easy to use and is activated by means of intention.

The aura is the part of our energy field that protects us and enveloped. It is our projection to the world. If we have the right people and opportunities to attract to us, it is necessary that our aura is bright and healthy and full of positive energy and love.

Unfortunately we collect throughout our lives negative energies in our aura. Negative thoughts forms of anger, sadness and hatred can reside in our aura and provide reducing our total energy. Therefore we divest the people away from us.

Regular cleaning of the aura will help to rejuvenate the mind and improve the projection to the outside world.

The Aura Flush makes cleansing the aura simple.

Some advantages of the Aura Flush are:

- Improved sense of happiness and well-being.

- More physical and emotional energy.

- Letting go of negative thought forms that create problems in life.


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Chakra Balancing with Reiki 7 Chakras

Emotions, Behaviors and Related Chakras

It is very necessary to know which chakra is affected by what emotions and behavioral patterns before starting a Reiki session.

Listed below are chakras and related emotional and behavioral issues.Chakras Emotions and Behavior

Root  Addictions, blame game, burdened, can’t get convinced, distrust, discourage, fearful, fear of past/future, feel numb, financial insecurity, greedy, guilt, grief, hypocrisy, inability to accept changes, long carried hatred, instability, insecurity, materialistic, nervous, no integrity, old resentment, past anger, rage, sexual pressure, tension, unable to let go of old ideas, unbalanced life, ungrounded

Sacral Anger, anger towards partner, addiction, blame others, belief that sex is bad, clingy, can’t move on, control freak, creativity blockage, distrust, depression, denial of own needs, expect worst, fear of parent, feel ashamed, feel numb, feel victimized, feel embarrassed, frustration, guilt, impatient, introvert, infidelity, lack of motivation, nervous, no self-support, no self-confidence, obsessive behavior, old beliefs, over-eating, rejecting particular gender, sexual overdrive, tension, uptight, unspoken bitterness, unexpressed emotions, unworthiness, vindictive towards ex

Solar Plexus Anxiety, anger, aggressive, bitterness, blame others, careless towards self and others, chronic issues, control issues, doesn’t stand up for what is right, denial of self-power, dwell on past, dread, dominating, egoistic, feel doomed, fear, fear of rejection, feel powerless, felt unloved as a child, indecisive, keep justifying, low self-esteem, low self, confidence, passive, self-criticize, suppressed feelings, unresolved issues, unable to make decisions, unexpressed emotions-love, fear, anger

Heart Block love, block happiness and joy, commitment issues, cold and distant, despair, depression, hatred, feel stifled, fear, desperation, difficulty in giving and receiving, feel everyone is ‘using’ them, grief, lack of compassion, heartbreak, hopelessness, lack of self-love, lack of love, sadness, selfish love, self-pity, suppressed emotions, suppressed tears, trust denial, unexpressed-sorrow, love, anger

Throat Abusive, addiction, bad listener, can’t say yes/no, confusion, criticism, fear of speech, communication problem, feel ‘unable to do according to wish’, feel like you can’t control the situation, hatred towards authority, humiliation, introvert, incapable of saying what is in mind and heart, judgmental, not speaking truth, no will-power, think ‘what others will think’, self-dislike, self-denial, shy, suppressed emotions and anger, suppressed creativity, talking too much, too quiet, unable to speak up, unable to ask what you need, unable to put your point of view, want to hit someone

Third Eye Aloofness, anger, dislike towards someone, doesn’t want to accept truth, doesn’t want to look into own life, doesn’t want to see what is going on with friends and family, difficulty in planning long term future, feel rejected, hallucination, irritation, lack of happiness, rigid thinking, scattered thoughts, self-unworthiness, self-criticism, self-centered, stubborn, stifled thinking, superstitious, unresolved emotional issues, un-forgiveness, unable to cope, won’t learn from experience

Crown Believes in old beliefs like unforgivable sins, being over-intellectual all the time, depression, energy blockage, emotional imbalance, feeling lost, inability to trust life-values, lack of self-understanding, lack of faith, lack of inspiration, lesser wisdom, overly spiritual, prejudiced towards world, rigid thinking, spiritual hatred, selfish, ungrounded, unable to accept new ideas, unable to receive universal power, unethical
Heal your emotions to heal your physical problems as well. ☺

1.The root chakra is situated by the coccyx. 
2.The sacral Chakra is located by the spleen. 
3.The solar plexus chakra is located in the middle abdomen, below the tip of the sternum. 
4.The heart chakra is located in the midstream line region directly over the thymus gland. 
5.The throat chakra is in the neck. 
6.The brow chakra is located in the mid forehead. 
7.The crown chakra is located on the top of the head.

Subtle energy systems descriptions relate to the energy that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. Chronic problems in the physical body, mental, emotional and spiritual imbalances, are the result of imbalances originating in the subtle bodies.

Subtle energy systems are descriptions of the body, mind and soul connections. We are complex and multi-dimensional beings. The human aura what we call all of the frequencies of vibration. It is made up of different layers of energy fields called subtle bodies. The following are four of the perhaps thousands subtle bodies:

The etheric body is the closest to the physical. It hugs the physical body like a second skin and has an active relationship to all of the chakras. 
The emotional body is known as the astral body and is the seat of all emotional experience. 
The mental body is the repository of our own personal thought forms and belief systems. It gives the energies of the emotional body focus and direction. 
The spiritual/causal body is the most subtle. It forms the boundary between who we are and the universal field of “All That Is.” The Spiritual Body receives nurturing from the spiritual dimensions of energy and consciousness. 

First Chakra/Root Chakra

Located between the genitals and the anus, the Root Chakra deals with the issues surrounding identity, survival, connection to Earth, and tribal issues. When this chakra is imbalanced, there are fears around survival, being provided for, and financial and family (or group) security.

Blockage in this area often happens following traumatic events, family problems, and major life changes. There may also be chronic lower back pain, sciatica, immune-related disorders, addictions, varicose veins, constipation, diarrhea, rectal/anal problems, impotence, water retention, and problems with groin, hips, legs, knees, calves, ankles, and feet.

When Reiki is performed at the Root Chakra, we have a better sense of feeling grounded and supported and begin to find relief from many of these chronic ailments.

Second Chakra/Sacral Chakra

This chakra is located about 1-2 inches below the navel. It is the chakra that deals with sex, power, money, gender, emotions, creativity, and procreation. When this chakra is imbalanced, there may lower back, pelvic, or hip problems, ob/gyn imbalances (including fibroids, cysts, etc.), issues around sexual potency, relationships, abundance, power and control.

This chakra is also linked to how we express our creativity, and is also related to the Throat Chakra. Sexual abuse or trauma can create an energy block in this chakra. Reiki can help bring these deeply suppressed emotions to the surface (especially anger) and allow us to finally, fully heal.

Third Chakra/Solar Plexus Chakra

Located 1-2 inches above the navel, the Solar Plexus Chakra is our power center, and where we are connected to our self-esteem and self-protection. When we feel scattered and direct our energies outward, it is usually a sign that we have given our power away. When this happens, sometimes one can feel discomfort, or a whirling sensation, in the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Physical imbalances may manifest as anorexia or bulimia, liver or adrenal dysfunction, fatigue, stomach ulcers, diabetes, or indigestion. Emotionally, we may be afraid to step into our power, have issues around self-confidence, self-respect, feel easily intimidated, weak, closed, depressed. When Reiki is performed and these blockages are lifted, we've cleared the way to take action in our life.

Fourth Chakra/Heart Chakra

Located at the center of the chest, the Heart Chakra is how we tap into our Higher Selves, self-love, divine love, and Christ Consciousness. When it is imbalanced, we may physically experience imbalances in that area of the body, such as: heart issues (like congestive heart failure or heart attacks), asthma/allergies, lung cancer, breast cancer, or bronchial pneumonia.

Emotionally, we may feel lonely, disconnected from ourselves and others, resentful, depressed (due to lack of hope), grief, distrust in love, and lack of compassion. Reiki can not only help make us more compassionate, but by clearing these blockages we might also become more open to accepting love from others.

Fifth Chakra/Throat Chakra

Located in the base of the throat, the Throat Chakra helps us to speak our truth. It deals with the issues of creativity, communication, and the will to live. Physical manifestation of this chakra's imbalances may show up as thyroid problems, TMJ, sore throat, swollen glands, or scoliosis.

Emotionally, we are afraid of silence, fearful of being judged and rejected, and imbalances in this chakra can also be connected to addiction. When Reiki is performed to help clear this chakra, we become more able to express ourselves or follow our dreams.

Sixth Chakra/Third Eye

Located between the eyebrows, the Third Eye helps us see that which is not physical. This is where our intuition lies, as well as clairvoyance and psychic perception. When this chakra is imbalanced, this may physically manifest as brain issues, such as stroke, brain tumor/hemorrhage, neurological disturbances and seizures.

Emotionally, we do not trust our insights or intuition, and may become afraid of it. Reiki can help unblock this chakra and allow us to hone in on the power of our intuition.

Seventh Chakra/Crown Chakra

Located at the top and center of the head, this chakra is our connection to the Universe, our spirituality, and our trust in life. This is the chakra from which we receive divine guidance from Source/Goddess/Higher Power. When this chakra is imbalanced, this manifests physically as depression, or as chronic exhaustion that is not linked to physical disorders.

Emotionally, we are unable to let go of anxiety and fear and there is a lack of trust in God or life.

When Reiki is performed, this chakra becomes unblocked and allows us to be in more touch with Divine guidance, and have more trust in life.


Distance Healing Chakra Balancing with Reiki 45 min x 7 Chakras  $77 
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I am Spiritual Healer using Reiki to help people in need and trouble all over the globe. The term "energetic healing" encompasses...